
October 23, 2007

tuesday love :)

tuesday is a lovely day. i go to a it was a very mini-crop there were only 3 of us...but i had such a lovely time. i love the tuesday girls (including the ones that weren't there today!) and when we are a tiny few its really good to catch up and have a more intimate chat :)

i was also working on the samples for saturday's challenge...and i'm loving it...but i can't show you'll have to pop on over to the CTYD blog for that (saturday 6pm).
what i can show you is today's offerings for the CTYD blog, made using my DT kit:
i thought i'd try to get myself organised so i've made a mini book in which to record my ideas and store my sketches, or colour schemes or...pretty much anything i see that might inspire me as and when i need it. ooooh and some days i really need it!! lol


so happy you popped by and felt like saying hello