
January 08, 2008

Got Paint? I sure do!!

Wow! I've joined Emily Falconbridge's class over at Big Picture Scrapbooking *Got Paint?* It is soo cool and soo much fun!
This week's been all about paint techniques...and here are my first attempts. I've made them into a book of my hopes for the year...if they are written down...they have to happen, right? lol


  1. It's the first step Alix, to write down what you want ! Lovely paint work, it looks so vibrant and fresh, I love it !

  2. Gosh you have been busy Alix, love your little book but shudder at the thought of all that paint (toooo messy!).

  3. Oh Alix these are fab LO's, you have been a busy bee.

  4. wow what a busy girl you've been--so productive and just stunning--be happy Alix xx


so happy you popped by and felt like saying hello