
February 19, 2008

today i went to market and i bought...

...a yummy page kit which I'm sharing with Katy. We split the pack into 2 and have each made a LO using only that!! Check out Katy's on her blog, and compare it to mine:

And while I'm on the subject...the market we went too was Webbs' Garden Centre...and its awesome!!! It has a HobbyCraft inside...and a lovely restaurant...and plants...and a deli...and even Yankee Candles for Katy!! If you haven't need to go there! They even have an ice-cream counter!! lol {although we didn't have any because of *the diet*}

We are so loving having Katy and Gus for buddies...they are super fun...even if they do thrash me at movie trivia!!


  1. ROFL Alix!!! What is he like? Love your LO - is smashing! I'm going to try to do another with the leftover scraps - care to join me?

    K x

  2. Love it ! I just like the photograph, you don't expect to see the person's back but it draws our attention to the hair and then the text....brilliant !


so happy you popped by and felt like saying hello