
July 01, 2008

good news and bad news...

  • Good news - Will seemed totally chuffed with his birthday box...and the contents thereof, Anna loved the Birthday gift I'd made her...and whipped them away before I could get photos!!!

  • Bad news - the *groom* has become very unwell and its only 2 1/2 weeks to the wedding! Big bummer this one :(

To cheer things up here is a picture of a project I did for the Hambly Screen Prints Design Team Call...I don't know what I was thinking of entering...I doubt they'll even look at my efforts...but I'd love to get the gig...and you've got to be in win it right? :) Let me know what you think...?

If you'd like to know what any of the product are...just ask ;)


  1. Hope the groom gets better before the big day!

  2. oh my gosh! love that hambly project!! it is great! jen t.


so happy you popped by and felt like saying hello