
October 17, 2008

I'm still working on...

...the new improved craft room...but its almost there now...and i am loving it!! its so much easier to scrap/craft when you have a little bit of *calm* and its so much easier to feel creative when you have a clear bit of desk on which to work!!!

God bless Ikea and QVC...where would i be without you guys! lol

The chair is pretty cool too, huh? Its DH's Grandfathers' work chair...and I love it :) I'm hoping to put castors on it tho...cos its pretty heavy going to move it around...anybody done this? I'd love to hear any hints or where to buy appropriate castors/supports...??? Thanks!


  1. ooh all clean, fresh and white--your new space looks stunning

  2. This looks so calm and otganised.
    I found some good castors in h
    Homebase for the bottom of my sets of drawers. Not sure if they would work on the chair but always worth a look :)

  3. love the look of your craft room !! A girl has to have creative space hey!

  4. oooh scraproom looks cool i want to be able to do mine up a bit but funds are lacking lol ! maybe santa will help x

  5. Your craftroom looks lovely. I would so love my own room to work in :)


so happy you popped by and felt like saying hello