
October 24, 2008

ooooh the pressure!

peer pressure that is!...I did these LO's at last weekend's crop...and although I love the burger one {despite it not really looking like I did it!} I let myself be peer-group pressured into adding something to the photo of the socks...and now I dont like it at all!! I don't often do this, but because I love the photo so much...I'm going to re-do it!! :) I wonder if I'll like it better then...?

I did love playing with Paula's brilliant punch make the scalloped frame to match the leather one...Thanks Paula :)

I hope this one makes you smile Anna! Congratulations on finally finding the perfect burger lol xxx


  1. lovely LO's Alix--like the little peg touch on you super socks LO and the burger one is brill--I really like this LO made on white card stock -- gonna have a go at that some time

  2. love your lo's and as for the stripy socks lol very nice haha

  3. LOVE this LO, great excuse for a


so happy you popped by and felt like saying hello