
December 17, 2009

don't think i've not been busy in the craftroom...

its just that so many things i make at this time of year...i don't want to spoil the suprize by sharing them before the recipient has opened them!!

here are a couple of advent gifts i can share they have been opened now {at least they have if i've got my numbering system right!!}
they are a handbag/doorknob charm and a little notebook for my buddy katy...she is the queen of handbags and so i made a gift to go on the outside...and one for the inside too!! lol

hope you like them, hon xxxx


  1. They're gorgeous. Love that groovy flower on the notebook cover.

  2. Cute lil book!! What a lovely friend you are ....

  3. Now these would be very much appreciated gifts I would imagine. They are lovely!


so happy you popped by and felt like saying hello