
December 07, 2009

grotty and snotty with spots on my botty!!!

oh my...i seem to be going from bad to worse healthwise the last couple of i have a monster cold and a rash on my bum!! pml so glamourous being me ;)

having a hoot with the daily advent ritual tho...i made this fabric calendar years ago, you've probably seen them in your local craft shop? anyway...i love it...and so do my mum, my sister and now my we take turns to fill it up and send it to each other...

this year...i am the lucky one...and mum has filled it with the most amusing and unexpected gifts ever...we have a hoot every morning wondering what we'll find far i've had...a lovely candle in the shape of a flower, some anti-viral tissues {quite handy given my current state of snottiness!}, a flannel hook in the shape of angels wings...and my personal favourite...some fish stock cubes {!?!} i know...seriously...have you ever had fish stock in your advent calendar??? lol

great job mum *love you*


  1. what an ace idea! love it :)

  2. LOL - very inventive! Such a cute advent.

  3. I had a horible rash whenI had the flu that goes oink - hope you start feeling better soon. Love the idea of circulating the calendar, and yeah, love the idea of fish stock - hoot!

  4. What a great idea to share it around. And I'm sure some amusing things do turn up - hence the fish stock!!!!

  5. I love it! Glad you're enjoying all the pressies too. I've got a panel to make one of these somewhere, tho it might be a bit late for this year ... but then, who am I gonna find to fill it with interesting goodies for me?????????????????

  6. Oh brilliant! What a fantastic tradition and AWESOME Mum! How will you get her back when it's her turn? ;)

    p.s Know how you feel, have had the dreaded lurgy all week. Keeps tricking me and I think it's going and then it floors me the next day and runs away laughing before I can at least sneeze in it's face!


so happy you popped by and felt like saying hello