
March 01, 2010

old cows and trout pouts... here i am sorting through an old box of crafting goodies from waaaaay back when...and i find a couple of lino cuts that i did about 20 years ago!!! i couldn't resist having a little play with them and sharing the results... first up is my *old cow* a student i had a fairly overwhelming obsession with cow images...i actually had a large poster of a herd of freesian cows over my bed framed with a string of fairy lights...just so no-one missed it ;0)

as you can see i've not got a perfect impression with this one...i decided to try using paint dabbers and the paint is really a bit too runny...this is the second impression...the first one you couldn't see the lines...but the coverage was you could use'd just need to make wider and deeper the old days i used to use printing inks and a brayer...that way your lines can be as fine as you like :0)
this second one i call *trout pout* and as you can see...i've previously stamped it in silver acrylic and been very naughty not washing it off!! lol

i decided to go a bit more to town with this one...rather than just stamping and leaving it...i've stamped it in several colours of distress ink then swooshed perfect pearls all over it...then i've painte the fish with H2O's...then i've outlined him in crystal stickles and glossy accents...then i've used glitz stickles to draw on the scales, fins and hightlight the border...then when that was dry...i've gone back in and added glossy accents to each scale to really make the fish shimmer!

of animal card is complete in alix~land without a wobbly eye or there you go!
i hope you like them...the simple option and the super time consuming one...take your pick!
thanks for stopping by,
happy today,


  1. Oooo I LIKE Mr Fishy! But just reading about all the stages made me feel tired ... Of course I like the Old Cow too, but maybe that's just a wee bit too close to home?????

  2. I love both of them hard to choose one but if I had to the glamour fish has my vote:) alma x

  3. Fab work hun ... and the comment you left on my blog .... HILARIOUS X Thank you for making I smile :0)

  4. I can't actually choose - but I can tell you that my fave image is the cow, I can also tell you that however fab the fishy outcome, I would not never ever have managed all those steps. Drying time and me, nah.

  5. Love them! I can remember doing a Lino print in O level art - of wait for it Deidre Barlow!! Don't ask!

  6. Lino cuts ...well that took me back to school days ...around the early 60's!!!! never really got to grips with it tool would slip just at the wrong moment.

  7. My vote is for the moo-cow :) Which is kinda weird, because IRL cows really frighten me *lol*
    I really like that it's not a perfectly stamped image - that way, every one is unique and it has a bit of character too :)

  8. Ooooh I like your fish its just jumping off the page. Your cow is very cute as well. xx

  9. oo love these lino prints, i've not done that for over 20 years. I have a small piece in a drawer, but no tool. I might have to get myself a tool and have a go. i adore the cow, I just love their faces and I am always taking photos of cows when we are out and about lol

  10. Too hard a choice to make ... but I kinda of think moo moo cow, is quite cute LOL.

  11. Love the fish, super cute.

  12. Oh my! I remember lino cuttings, wayyy back in the 60s. I did try to make a rubber stamp a couple of years ago with a lino cutting tool. Must check them out. Thanks for the prompt. ~Glen~

  13. These are both fabulous but I have to say - that fish is something else. Should be framed and hung in your bathroom... and I mean that as a complimet! LOL - just realised it might not read as one! It's oFISHially gorgeous!


so happy you popped by and felt like saying hello