
June 16, 2010


welcome back all you WOYWWers!...and what do we have here this sunny wednesday morning?

*old faithful*
she might be old...and well used {not to mention a rather dodgy shade of my least favourite colour}...but she is strong and true...and hasn't let me down yet!
i feel a bit more of that favourite skirt taking new form today...and a new hem on my the duvet cover i made to take to Uni...too many years ago to mention!! lol
right...can't stop...i'm off to hop by your place now...and see what's on your workdesk...the whole lot can be found here if you'd like to join me :0)


  1. If it works, don't fix it as they say. Great machine !!

  2. Don't make sewing machines like they used to. I've got 2 old one and a modern one. Much prefer the old two. One belong to my Nan and is over 50 years old, the other is about 30 years and an old industrial Singer, absolutely huge but oh so good.

    Enjoy your day Hugs Can x

  3. Great workspace. Looks a bit like my old, but very faithful machine! and if it ain't broke, don't fix it! S x

  4. Lovely old machine! The older one always work so much better x

  5. Love the large work area on the machine. A lot of old machines are much sturdier than the new ones. My machine is out this week (well it's nearly always out, but not on show!)
    Anne xx

  6. oh love the machine,hugs cheryl xxxx

  7. Ooooh, another sewing machine, I have seen quite a few today and I'm feeling very jealous!!!! So it really doesn't matter that it's old, if it does the job and you love it....who cares!!!


  8. Great little machine - I used to work with them in school and college - very reliable. Hope the sewing goes well.

  9. I was going to say "if it ain't broke" but others have beaten me to it! Think of her as a trusty, faithful friend (like me!) rather than a flighty piece of stuff who hasn't been around long ....

  10. Nothing wrong with old and reliable :-) Happy sewing.
    A x

  11. Hi Alix
    great machine use to have them at school, work hard n they never broke, have good day, sue,x

  12. Lok at that great big working plate - how fab. I'm with Sid. You will show us some more skirt related projects, huh huh huh?

  13. now thats a sturdy looking machine. I know what you mean about the colour though, why does stuff go that weird yellow shade. I hope you and she have many more years together. I shall be stalking the postie this week lol

  14. If it works, age doesn't matter.

  15. WOW !That brings back some memores (2002) The had them at school when I was doing textiles, what I wouldn't give for one, they are almost indistructible!

  16. They always say the old ones work best...maybe there is hope for me after all lol :0)
    *hugs* Heather x

  17. Great old work horse there, you take care of her!


  18. I have a Bernina too arent they great. Enjoy your sewing.

  19. oh fab machine! looking forward to what you're making next with your fav skirt :-)
    thanks for sharing

  20. Oh, I thought your post title was talking about me for a minute there LOL!
    This looks like a real 'golden oldie'.

  21. My mum had a treadle singer for years and years, she pulled it to bits in the end and took it down the dump, never even asked me if I wanted it! Mind you, at the time I had nowhere to put it, and I can't sew for toffee!

  22. Ooo...what a lovely machine Alix. It's...ermm...vintage in colour and looks like it has served a good few years.*Ü* TFS. ~Glen~


so happy you popped by and felt like saying hello