
November 11, 2010

12 days of Christmas swap...

its not a regular thing for me taking part in swaps...but over on UKS atm...i was tempted by the 12 days of Christmas swap...inspired by a project in Craft Stamper Magazine...designed by the fabulously talented Linda...

the idea is that 12 people make 12 thrinchies {3 inch squares} and decorate them, leaving the corners clear for attaching with jump rings...then when we swap...we end up with 12 different Christmas themed squares and it makes a lovely wall hanging for the festive season :0)

if you're wondering why i've made 9 turquoise and silver thrinchies...its because some of the people have requested specific colour schemes {including me!}

this red, green and gold is my chosen colourway...

this totally golden one was just for fun...

...and this black and gold colourway was chosen by another swapee...i hope she likes it!
the more observant of you will have noticed my absence and may like to know that i fell down a rather nasty poorly hole last week...but i'm doing much better this week...hope its a good one for you too...


  1. the black and gold swapee does indeed like. Looks lovely-thank you

  2. they are lovely, hope you are feeling back to your best very soon Alix

  3. Hope you are looking after yourself.

    The swap pieces are just beautiful - love them all.

    Toni :o)

  4. Lovely festive thrinchies! :) (is that REALLY a word? LOL)

  5. these are absolutely gorgeous - another idea to put on my list!

  6. This is going to look stunning all finished and up on your wall - it looks stunning now but will be ... stunninger? You know what I mean. Love the colours you are working with.

  7. What a lovely idea. I love your "thrinchies"!! Can you tell us how you did those scrumptious textured backgrounds?


so happy you popped by and felt like saying hello