
April 12, 2011

i promised you a face...

...and here it first ever attempt at painting a face...and an angel at that!! obviously...i'm hoping practice will make i'll be painting lots more faces in the near future to see if i can get them how i like them :) if anyone has any tips...especi ally on doing a nose head~on so to speak...please leave them for me in the comments to help me on my journey! thanks

so why did i attempt an angel...i mean...they are not exactly my normal style are they?...well the answer is...ROSIE!! she and her hubby...*my two favourite vicars*...have just moved house...and i thought it seemed appropriate to send them an angel to watch over them as they settle into thier new home and Church...hope she likes it!


  1. i think you've done really well with this, esp if you've never done faces before. I'd be pleased to receive it as a gift :) Noses are always hard, as really you don't want to draw any lines, just build up shade to form the shape. It's lovely!

  2. Beautiful Alix and your angel has such a lovely face. *Ü* TFS. ~Glen~

  3. In saw your post on ukscrappers :)
    I don't actually do much painting myself - or at least, nothing very advanced - I'm probably at the same stage as you :P However, i just wanted to recommend the free art course which willowing ran ( called Heart for art. I wasn't able to do much of it as I was very busy but I plan to return to it when I have some more time in the summer holidays. From what i saw she did a bit on faces and they're in exactly this style. The link to its :

  4. Fabulous Alix, might have to commission an angel myself for my new craft room;)love and hugs xoxo

  5. What a wonderful painting. Noses are hard to capture! I can also recomend art, heart and healing free course over at willowing x

  6. That's fab Alix, love it


so happy you popped by and felt like saying hello