
May 07, 2011

a LO that makes me smile...

a super quick LO today...using a sketch by Lisa Day from her 28 days of sketches class over on BPC...i love having a sketch when i'm in a hurry...and i love that i managed to scrap all these cute photos that have been collecting in my *not used* pile for a while all in one go! :)

it may not suprise you to know that this is sketch one...and she's already onto sketch three...but hey ho...i knew i wouldn't do them all ;) how many do you think i'll get done next week??? huh? lol


  1. Great LO - super that you were able to use all those fab pics together.

    Toni xx

  2. I really like the colour combinations on your layout and your use of multiple photos which is something I would like to do more of. Thanks for the inspiration :)

  3. A lovely LO there, great to use multiple photos ;)


so happy you popped by and felt like saying hello