
June 24, 2011

who did that???

i swear it wasn't me! lol and to hide my shame i've made the picture really small...if you want to see the true horror...just click the picture and i'm fairly confident it will get huge!

why is it whenever i'm crafting i end up working in the smallest possible area on my desk and collecting all sorts of crafting paraphernalia in stacks all around me..? it drives me nuts...and i can only imagine how it makes my hubby feel!! maybe that is why just pops in with raw carrots and quickly hops off again...either that or he's a rabbit! ;0)


  1. That totally looks familiar. Don't panic. I end up with the same small space every time I'm crafting! xxx

  2. LOL...fairly common look Alix...LOL

    Toni xx

  3. Oooh... I love it!!! Everything handy, looking so creative... it's wonderful. My desk is just constantly filled with kittens at the moment - can't find a safe place to craft in at all! *lol*

  4. Big desk, 10 inch square to work in....sounds all to familer lol

  5. Hmmm yes, that's a mess all right! Mind you I can't talk, now that I've got a much smaller space to work in it always seems to be a mess these days ....

  6. Ha ha ha! I promise i am exactly the same. I have a whole dining room table ( we don't eat there any more) and still only have a few inches to create on!

  7. Opps, It looks very similar to my desk LOL

  8. wow that is one jam packed desk Alix, have to say if I had a craft space it would probably look the same lol. No choice to tidy up after I craft due to the kids and using the coffee table for crafting :)

  9. Hmm, now where have I seen this before? Oh yes ....... it's just like mine!!! LOL Alix you are not alone :-)

  10. I have a 6 seater dining table in my craftroom but craft in a space the size of a A3 craft mat. We are an untidy bunch.

  11. you just need to be surrounded by stash in case something inspires you - totally normal - just not good to photo!!

  12. Yup, I am sure we have all been there! :)


so happy you popped by and felt like saying hello