
October 15, 2011

obsessed with puzzle cards...

oh me, oh my...i've only gone and made another one! ;0)

This one uses a lovely set of Andy Skinner Christmas stamps {the robin and the icicle type border}, and is super pearly and pretty irl.  It was so funny watching Ruth try to assemble it in the dim lighting of our local Chinese

As always i coloured the reverse of the puzzle too before writing my Birthday message :0)

So...what i want to know have you made a puzzle card yet?  i've had super feedback from those that received them in the post...Granny spent all day playing with hers! *go Gran*


  1. Hey you, lovely to see you.
    Also love this Alix, can I pinch it please.......x

  2. I haven't made one... yet. My granddaughter loves puzzles, so I thought I might make her one for her upcoming 3rd birthday.

  3. Thanks for dropping by and leaving the nice comments on my blog Alix :)

    i've never made a puzzle card, but I do have a blog friend whose daughter sent out 1oo different jigsaw pieces to friends and asked them to write a message on the back and return them to celebrate her birthday. My friend then had to put all the pieces together

  4. That puzzle card is fantastic! Sorry if I'm being silly, but is it a die you have or are you just very good at cutting out? If it's a die, who makes them?

    Marie x


so happy you popped by and felt like saying hello