
December 03, 2011

straight out of Mollie Makes...

...its not very often i copy something directly from a magazine {or anywhere else} but this little raindeer totally captured my heart and i had to immediately make one for my new baby niece, Amber.  It was designed by Rita Maia and is on page 27 of Issue 8 of Mollie Makes.  Pretty cute, huh?

and now i'm wondering how often you make things just as you've seen them in a magazine?  or a book...?  or on one of the crafting channels?  do you always like to make you're own mark on a project or are you happy to make a total copy..?  i'd love to know your thoughts...


  1. Aww, that is so sweet. Isn't it lovely when you find something that you just have to have a go at.

    Toni xx

  2. Hello from France! I'm not surprised you copied this reindeer; it is so cute! I would say I copy, only changing the colours, 30% of the projects I come across and I love. Otherwise I use them for inspiration and they often come out quite different. I love seeing other people's projects (whether on blogs or in magazines) and reading about how they make them. It keeps my creative juices flowing.

  3. You know me ... I do set off to copy something, then I find I haven't got the right supplies, and by the time I finish it you'd never know what it was copied from!!

  4. Awww he is cute. No wonder you copied him as he appears in the mag. Great job:)


so happy you popped by and felt like saying hello