
February 05, 2012

a touch more Midas...

...this time with FlitterGlu and gilding flakes!

 i've finally gotten hold of a pot of the magical FlitterGlu by IndigoBlu and i have to let you know i am massively impressed...finally a gilding glue that does exactly what it says on the tin {actually its not in a tin...but allow me a little poetic licence}.  this stuff is amazing, no hanging around, no heating to the magic {and tricky to spot} moment...and no level of detail on a stamp that is too fine for this stuff!!  Brilliant.  the only bummer i can find to it at all is the smell...but its worth opening the window to use in my opinion :0)

See...pretty impressive stuff, huh?  see how it has picked up the tiny border and and the distressed script text...all the hassle.  sorry the picture of the whole card is a let down...its really quite pretty in real life as i hope the close ups show!


  1. Ooh the detail is it a solvents smell or just a bit strange? Where did you get it? the whole card is lovely

  2. Thats just gorgeous - might have to get some of that! Is this Himself's valentine card??

  3. I really like the double stamping.


so happy you popped by and felt like saying hello