
June 10, 2010

we have winners!!

can you tell what it is yet??? expertly modelled by his Nibs...aka Mr. is indeed a lampshade...and i bet nobody is more suprized than Darcy who guessed correctly!!

its not quite finished i ran out of thread...and i'm not sure when i can get out to get some i can only show you the back...
when stitching freehand like this, i always start at the back/part least likey to be i find my stitches are a bit uneven to start with, but sort themselves out once i get going! ;0)

i'm loving having a part of my skirt preserved forever...and plan to make lots of things with the rest of it... why did i cut it up??? actually nobody guessed quite correctly...but Tea bag was closest with her first guess...of a stain...the real truth is...i decided to give the bathroom loo a quick spruce up 5 mins before some guests arrived...and in my hurry i splashed bleach on it...and didn't notice!!!
and the moral of this story is:
********always get someone else to do the dirty jobs!!! ;0) **********
so if Darcy and Tea bag would both be so kind as to leave me their addresses in the comments below or as a PM to agirlcalledbob on UKS...your goodies will swifty wing their way to you!
thanks for playing along...and when its actually finished...i'll share the lampshade in situ, rather than on hubby's head! lol


  1. ohhh I'm liking it very very much

  2. How utterly fab is that. You may wanna get a shorter lamp base though, the proportion's slightly out.

  3. That is soooo cool! I want one! xx

  4. OMG that is insanely funny, i can't believe i was correct hahahaha, and it's only beacuse i have been thinking of making a lampshade myself hahahaah can't stop laughing..

    but you did a great job and it looks gorgeous, fab way to use your fave sjirt.

  5. Oh wow. Clever you. Love it.

  6. It's brilliant! What a fab way to do something positive with your skirt - looks fab! Love Julia's comment!

  7. Beautiful lampshade, love the turquoise flowers :)

  8. Excellent work missus ... now where is the beautiful object going in your house?
    PS David should always wear one!


so happy you popped by and felt like saying hello