
April 08, 2011

the arty owl painting... warned...this is probably the most bonkers one i've done so far...but bonkers works for me! ;) when i started this was half an hour before tea...and i had a stinking headache...but i thought i just might feel better if i created something to distract myself...and this is what emerged! its rough and quick and my attempt at being a little *free~er*...i'm not totally convinced i like it...but oddly his Nibs keeps putting it up on the wall every time i take it i have to assume he loves it as much as he says he does :) my favourite areas of the picture are the leaves, which i cut roughly from pp scraps and painted with Dylusions mica spray... ...i also love this floral section which is a large BG rubon over which i've painted , doodles and then added a Prima paper flower which i've also painted with mica paint...its properly bursting with colour and life...just what i needed!
even if the results aren't perfect...i think its really good to push yourself our of your comfort zone every know and then...and i'm really working on being less of a perfectionist...why don't you have a go? set yourself a deadline of half an hour...and see what you can do! :)


  1. Oh wow....I can see why he loves that canvas! It's gorgeous. The colours are amazing!

  2. seems perfectly normal to me! Think its funky and fun.

  3. beautiful, keep it on the wall


so happy you popped by and felt like saying hello