
April 07, 2011

our very own pearly queen :)

...well if you ever need an excuse to treat your mum as a Queen for the day...Mothers' Day is it, that is exactly what we tried to do on Sunday...we had a super lunch with all sorts of goodies from the local farm shop...and a few family favourites from our past...including the first *recipe* i ever made up, aged 7, and to this day referred to as *oeufi ali's* lol notice the everlasting bouquet i made on the table? and as a little extra is a close~up of the pearl and golden swarovsky crystal bracelet i made her...hubby made her matching earrings too...but the camera battery had died by the time i got this i haven't got any photos of the earrings...or of Mum!!! oooops!

i hope you all had a super Mothers' Day too...and big hugs to all of you out there who don't have Mum's in your lives...this is only the second without my darling MIL and hubby was super brave and joined in with spoiling my Mum despite his sadness. *very proud of him for that*


  1. What a super bracelet - I'm sure she was thrilled.

    Toni :o)

  2. Looks a fab day Alix and big hugs to your DH, he's a trooper


so happy you popped by and felt like saying hello