...gummed up brayers are
definitely not the *next big thing* ;0)
...because i've always had a stubborn streak...and i do not like to be beaten...i've made a couple of cards using it anyway!...the effect you get is almost fluffy like a towel...maybe it would be good for teddy bears too...but they are soooooo not my thing ;0)

its the stripey backgrounds i've done with the brayer...using the yummy Kaleidacolor in Flannel...which is sort of what it looks like all roughed up...but i think i'll reserve this brayer for textured effects in future like making a suede backgroud with Liquid Applique...or wrapping with ribbon or string for a very individual finish...for now tho...i'm off to order myself a new brayer...and i plan on keeping this one free of acrylic paint!!!
enjoy yourselves...and do chat...i love to hear your thoughts too...alixx
ps...the stamps are Tim Holtz...but i'm guessing you already knew that ;0)
Who's been a busy girl making these then? Maybe you'll start a fashion for fuzzy backgrounds? I think it looks nice!
Gosh, not an awful result though Alix, huh! You are deinitely a silk purse maker..
Thanks for the tip, now I know what NOT to do with my brayer! :)
I think they look fantastic
Hopefully you'll look back at this post and think to yourself "hey, those are pretty darn good!" :)
Some of my favourite effects have been made by mistakes... though needing a new brayer is a bit more expensive than I'd like! Still, at least with the old brayer at hand, you'll be able to recreate these fab backgrounds anytime you want to!
I love it - so bright and vibrant. I've never used a brayer so not sure where you went wrong. I loves it I does.
Love the colours, especially the purple Mj x
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