September 13, 2010


i don't know what happened here...i just spent over half an hour writing detaile instructions on my new patchwork~metal technique...but blogger clearly didn't like them...and its all gone :0(

if you'd like details...leave me a comment...and i just might regain the will to type them out again!!!


Katherine said...

My complete sympathies - I hate it when it does that too...but intrigued by your patchwork metal technique - so please share it and maybe cut and paste it somewhere else just incase blogger decides to eat it up again :)


Unknown said...

Your patchwork looks great. It's so annoying when posts are 'lost'.

misteejay said...

Soooooooo frustrating - my comments on my niece's blog often disappear (I don't think they like travelling to Germany LOL)

The patchwork effect looks stunning on those items.

Toni :o)

Wendy said...

Would really love to know how you did this, I have had a similar idea for a frame floating in my head for some time... could do with getting it kickstarted by some practical instructions :-)